Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day 8 - Tuesday - 24 June

This morning is rather slow. Kester left with the surveying crew at 6 AM. Yes, mother he was on the truck at six! Pretty incredible, I know. It is a civil engineering thing. Bruce is spending the day in bed. We will be known as the team that wore Boss Bruce out, I suppose, but it was a very smart thing for him to do. The rest of us poked around until Deb came up and laid out the specifics of how Bruce wanted us to paint the blackboards. There is limited space to work, so I get to play catch-up here. I think in the cooler part of the afternoon, we may be going to paint the portico at Bruce and Deb's -- we would like to do that, anyway.

If you look back, you will see I am starting to get some pictures posted. It is very slow work, but I will continue, except when I have to shut down because of low power, like when the freezer is running.

More later.


Anonymous said...

Most people want to serve God, but only in an advisory position. You all are serving in the most real way possible. God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. You are all qualified as saints on earth.
As hot as it is there you will want to note the message I received from a friend this morning--WARNING: Exposure to the Son may prevent burning. I pray that God sustains all of you in your last days in Haiti. You will have left a little of yourselves behind when you return.

With Love and Admiration,
Kristi Spivey

Anonymous said...

Hello All,
We have tried to blog many times but have not gotten the hang of it . if this goes thru then we will write more . We are so proud of you all. Be safe

Iris Lewis said...

Dear Friends,

Hmmm your power situation sounds much like Alicia's apartment in Norfolk. The refrigerator and air conditioning cannot run at the same time and so they must always choose. And using the microwave requires one first to get up and turn off the television!

Thinking of you with a chuckle for today...

A kindergarten teacher gave her class a "show and tell" assignment of bringing something to represent their religion.

The first boy got in front of the class and said, "My name is Benjamin and I am Jewish and this is the Star of David."

A little girl stood in front of the class and said, "My name is Mary. I'm am Catholic and this is the Crucifix."

The last boy got in front of the class and said, " My name is Tommy and I am Presbyterian and this is a casserole."

* * *
As you break bread together this evening with yet another delicious casserole that Deb has prepared, know that your Presbyterian family here is working alongside with you in prayer.

Counting down the days until you return.

Hugs, Iris

Anonymous said...

Dear Friends: I just read about your fun evening with the insects. If this were happening at my house I would just say: "Boys!" I hope you are having fun interludes throuhout your trip (although I really feel sorry for those insects).

I hope some of you can help with food delivery to Paul's Trailer Park when you return. It's another great opportunity to build relationships with kids who really need friends and positive role models. (How do you like this--your minister always looking ahead for new ministry assignments for you all! I really should let you guys get home, shouldn't I, before starting in on something new? By the way, did you remember VBS is right around the corner?? :) Love you guys very much. I was able to pull up two pictures on the blog--one of a beautiful palm tree (were you guys up in the tree?) and the one of Daniel with a Haitian friend. Hope to see more! Love in Christ, Deborah

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us abreast of your daily activities and how everyone is doing. We continue to pray for the team and their safe return home. We are proud of each and every one of you serving the Lord and showing his love and grace to a part of the world that desperately needs his shining light. Keep up the outstanding work!

Iris Lewis said...

My friends, you have now turned roaches and spiders into pets. Fred, you are missing Ski more than you think!


Anonymous said...

Dear Friends: It's Wednesday morning and I wanted to say hello as you start your day. All is well here.

In these final days in Haiti, soak in your experiences. Your lives are being changed.

We love you, continue to pray often for you, and rejoice in what you are doing in the name of Christ in Haiti.

Let Bruce know we are praying for his health, as well.
Love, Deborah

Anonymous said...

Hello All, We are so proud of our "other children" Maria and Tyler. We new you would set the standard for everyone!! Work safe and smart (Bob always says that).We miss you all We pray every day for the team and your work and safety.We know each one has made an impact! Sandi, your Mom is fine I see her 2-3 times a week as usual. She goes about her rountine and asks about the team and when you'll be back.
Will try to write again now that we have figured this thing out1