Monday, June 23, 2008

Day 7 - Monday - 23 June

Spider v cockroach

I will recover yesterday's stuff when I can. I wanted to put up something for today then let others check their emails.

This morning we spent a couple of hours walking through the market. Then we stopped by the hospital, where we prayed for a little girl that was born at 3AM this morning. She is not more than 7 months toward term. The baby is about 1.5 kg, and looks as small as a kitten. We prayed, as heartfelt as I think we have ever prayed. The baby moved a bit while we were praying, but the mother, Ann Rose, was still as a stone. We then went to the clinic and met the Dutch doctor, Ann Maria. You should have seen the look of delight on her face when Becky started speaking to her in Dutch! She took a moment to look at Pat's rash. It is just some vegetation reaction, evidently.

Bruce seems to be having some bad reaction to the car air conditioning - some of us are coughing because of it. We went to La Bousse, where we started painting originally. We finished up a couple walls there, we painted the church, and we hung two doors. Then we came home. Pat had lost his hat and glasses on the way and did not want to be a bother, so said nothing till our arrival. I think he may be exhausted by the heat - his instructions to Kester while he was trying to hang the door were nearly incomprehensible. I helped Kester finish the doors in the broiling afternoon sun. Then I thought I was going to be sick by the time we finished. I am still exhausted, so going to get a cold shower and rest. Bless Sandi and Becki for fixing cold lemonade for us on arrival, and please - pray for the little girl - she does not even have a name yet. How can a country so beautiful, and a people so beautiful, be so messed up? (We know why, and will tell you on our return.)

After supper, we came back and chatted for a while. Sandi, Pat and I were the last to leave Bruce & Deb's compound. By the time we got to the end of the driveway, we were immersed in a tar bucket! We were clearly not on the road. We had depended on the moonlight on previous nights. I had to stumble back to Bruce's and borrow a flashlight. Bruce said, "Just look up and use the stars," but that does not help much with foot placement amongst the loose rocks and donkey droppings! I do not think I have every seen it so dark.

Later most of the team engaged in a game called Catch Phrase, which generated much hilarity. Becky noticed the doorknob moved when she started to go to the restroom -- if you have seen palmetto bugs, you will have some understanding of how big these roaches are. One of the guys stunned the roach. Then a medium-sized banana spider (about two inches across) was discovered near the computer. Since the roach was still moving slightly, it was decided to feed the spider. The roach was placed about a foot away from the spider, and the spider immediately spread its front legs in preparation for attack. After about ten minutes of inactivity, Dan flicked the roach toward the spider, who leaped into the air and grappled with the roach. Nature took its course from that point until Fred said, "I wonder how it reacts to light." He shined his flashlight on the spider, who snatched up his prey and departed, in a flash, so to speak. Someone has pictures of this encounter, which I will post later.


xtien said...

Thanks for being so good about posting these updates. Makes a big difference to those of us back in the states hoping for news of your work over there.

Love to Dad Sandi and Mason.


Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,
Thank you Bill for all your comments and updates. It make us feel part of the mission also. I will keep the new born baby in my prayers as she struggles to survive.
I worry about all of you in the intense heat and pray that you are drinking enough water and taking breaks often, in the shade if you can. It sounded as if Pat Murawski may have been affected by the heat or something, so tell him to take it easy. I sit here in air conditioning and feel guilty because life is so different for you and the Haitian people.
We had about 80+ people at the at the church picnic yesterday, and we all enjoyed the casual atmosphere and yummy food.
I send my love and hugs for everyone.
Delores Fleming

Anonymous said...

Dear Ones: I remember so well how little Cameron was when he was born and it sounds like the baby you prayed for is even smaller. May God sustain this child and her family.

Please try to rest. This second week of your mission trip is sure to be challenging as the cumulative stress and strain as well as fatigue catches up with you. We will all pray even more for you. Be good to yourselves. We love you all so much. Deborah

Anonymous said...

My heart swells with pride when I think of our Haiti Mission Team. I am so proud of each and every one of you! Your experiences in Haiti are incredible and I have tons of questions to ask you when you come home.

Please take care of yourselves in that extreme heat while you are doing such hard, manual labor.

Hip-hip-hooray for DPC's Haiti Mission Team!

Anonymous said...

My love to all of you, the chosen ones for this tremendous mission. It is amazing how everyone falls into the role he or she is destined for. God does careful planning and choses the right people to carry out his mission and yours. I have to admit that I forgot to pray for you on the first day of your trip. I have the 8:30 p.m. slot. I know God was aware and He filled in. It will be the best week yet for you. Good spirit, good health, and cooler weather. Please convey my gratitude to the Robinsons for welcoming you into their lives for a while. God bless, Anneliese

How is my Maria holding up?

Iris Lewis said...

Dear Friends,
I will pray for all of you, young and older, as you continue your work and as you take care of each other. Earlier on you spoke of charity based on love and not on guilt. That was such a profound statement and I have shared it several times. Pat, I hope you, too, will take heed and rest indoors tomorrow if you need to. I've learned that when the body is in charge, the mind doesn't stand a chance.

You have done an amazing amount of very hard work in your short time in Haiti, and all of it in very unfamiliar conditions. Everything from the climate to what to eat to where you sleep. Please remember to be good to yourselves.

Do me a favor, each of you. Put your right hand on your left shoulder and your left hand on your right shoulder. Now squeeze hard. Our hugs to you.

I have been wondering how Fred is. We have not heard about him since the luggage tug-o-war at the airport.

Rest well. A special prayer tonight also for the infant child and her mother.


Anonymous said...

It's Tuesday morning and you are much on my mind. Bill, please let Becky know I spoke with Daryl again last night and he seems to be doing well. Please tell Sandi that I will make contact with Bob and Rosemary today to check on her mom. Yesterday's schedule changed when Judy J. fell ill during prayer group and we called the ambulance to take her to the ER. She is home and will see her GP today. Wylie and Connie continue to do an amazing job leading the local feeding ministry. Don H. was delayed in coming home yesterday--not due to any setbacks just an absent signature on discharge paperwork. Dan and Cameron return from OR today. Cameron has caught several fish in Granddaddy's pond and got new soccer cleats at Nike Town.
I am assuming we will wait a couple of weeks for you all to lead worship at DPC and share your photos and testimonies. Please let me know what you're thinking about this. I would also like to schedule a debriefing time with you all after you return (maybe some time in the first week or so.) First, however, we want you to rest up.
I am especially praying for each of your health and wellbeing today. Please slow your pace, as needed. Tell Bruce and Deb we are praying for them, too. Love you all, Deborah

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Everyone,

No, I didn't just get up! The thought occurred to me this morning of how ironic it is that you all worked SO HARD to raise money to take this mission trip, only to work SO HARD while you are there. What a fantastic, unselfish team you are!

As always, my thoughts and prayers are with you again today. First and foremost is to take care of yourselves. You're on the homestretch now and bound to be wearing out.

God be with you. I know he is!