Monday, June 16, 2008

Day 0 Comments

Reverend Dail sent us these pictures:

Rev Dail and Kester at ORF
Jane M and Kester at ORFThe team at PHF

At 7:30 AM, we asembled at the church and divided all of our tools and stuff, so none of us would exceed the weight limit. Interesting.
In two hours we will be assembling at Newport News Airport and flying down to Miami. If you want to send us any messages today, please enter them under the comments for this day. We will put up another thread (if possible) for each day. We hope to give a brief summary of the day's happenings and there will be a place to comment on each day's posting. Thank you.
Hiromi O'Keeffe, Jan Spruill (with a bag of sugar goodies), the Vollmers, Mr. Little, Jane Martin, Dick Gray, and Rev. Dail came to the airport to see us off. Rev. Dail read us a passage, Colossians 3:12-17, from the Message version, which was clear even to the younger members of the group. It was meaningful to us all. She also sent us off with a prayer for our success and safety. She and Jane Martin then went to the Norfolk airport to see Kester off on a later flight, greatly contributing to the peace of mind of that young man's parents, and to the delighted suprise of that individual.

An otherwise boring wait for the plane was made more interesting when we found the ticketing agent could not over-rule the TSA agents. With too much bug-spray and suntan lotion, one of our bags went from line to line, missing the cutoff for our flight, until Ms Vollmer rescued the offending material and all was well. We jumped on the flight, fastened our seat belts, and were sit for 30 minutes on the tarmac for an unspecified delay. Then we were airborne to Atlanta, to be refreshed by free beverages and Gourmet Pretzels (complete with eating instructions).

You may not know that peanut butter is a terrorist tool, but Kester lost his since the agents could not figure out if it was a gel or a liquid so confiscated it anyway, just to be safe. (I think they were hungry.)
Here we are in Miami, assembled again as a team. Some are already asleep. I rejoiced as I watched us interact among ourselves and others. We are off to a good start, though some will be dragging tomorrow.

Good night, all.


Anonymous said...

Well, you are are teaching me something and you haven't even left the airport yet. This is my first time writing a blog and, I must say, it couldn't be to a better team of DPC members! Thanks for all you will be doing in Haiti in the name of our Lord.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the descriptive message. It helps those of us left behind to feel close to our loved ones. Please keep us posted.

Iris Lewis said...

Dear friends - Thinking of you all day as you travel. I imagine you are physically and mentally weary, but I hope that the "Blogger" finds his second wind just long enough to write an entry or two. I will wait patiently for his words. By the way Mr. Blogger, I really enjoy your writing style! We had some much needed rain last evening in the form of a wild thunderstorm. The lightening must have been spectacular from the M's view on the York River though. Take care and pleasant dreams to all! Love, Iris

daryl said...

hey today i went to kings island, it is A LOT like kings dominion, today i rode flight of fear, i remember when i was younger and i was way to short to ride it... well today i did... and it was awesome!!!!!!!!!!