Saturday, June 21, 2008

Day 5 - Saturday - 21 June

Well, we will soon be off for today's work.

We are an hour behind EDST because Haiti does not do daylight savings time.

It occurred to me that I have reported on everyone but Dan. What is there to say? He is quiet, hard-working, hard-playing with the kids, and Jane, he may fill up the journal you gave him before he gets back. Just looked around the corner at him, and he is busily, steadily writing. Nothing makes a good writer like practice. I told him how I wished I had journaled in my younger days -- details of so many adventures, so many high and low points have been lost. Oh, well.

Thank you all for your prayers and comments and Gracias, Luis, for your kind post.

Supper last night was tamale pie with fruit jello, and apple spice cake for dessert. My blood sugar is doing great anyhow! We are using it all up. It does not appear that all of my e-mails are going through, so some of you may be getting repeats. Sorry.

We are praying for the Mayes', for Don Harvey, and for a good and worshipful Sunday in the Park.

Deborah, how you found those citations in the Message that are so timely and meaningful to us is truly amazing, and makes us believe even more that God is in charge, and He will give us what we need. Thank you.

More this evening.
Today we went to Mayette, and had a fairly easy day. We were amazed at the amout of concrete work that has been done here. I come from Appalachia, and have experience with many privies, public and private. The one here is made of concrete, has four stalls on a side, but no doors. What a stunning valley and mountain vista!

We built forms and gathered rocks, and carried sand, gravel and water to help mix the cement. The Haitians filled in the forms with the rocks and concrete, and now there is a complete set of stairs going up to the top of the 12,000 gallon cistern. Unfortunately we had misjudged and there was about $15 worth of concrete left. Pat M suggested we build a landing outside one of the church doors. Bruce said go for it, so Pat grabbed a couple of the boys and soon there was a 3x3 foot pad outside the church side door.

Mayette is where most of our DPC contributions have gone. The roads going to it are hard to walk, much less drive. We will see how the worship services are this morning. The pastor can pray well, from what I understood. He also sent his bountiful thanks to our congregation for the gifts we have provided. He is really blessed, he said.

We drove past the church that Josh Levy had worked on. It seems to be complete now, except for the two end walls. Some problems there in completion. That one is not on our list.

When we finished our work at Mayette, we returned to our compound, where some went to build blackboards of masonite and plywood, some of us did laundry, and then Becky and I worked on "The Jesus Film." Bruce was hoping to show that tonight, but last night the interns had set the system up and the sound was incredibly garbled. I had no idea what was wrong, so this evening we troubleshot it and got it working properly. It was a case of - if you have something, that doesn't mean you have to use it. Becky was a great help in keeping my head on straight and making sure all the little pieces got back to where they belonged....sometimes I drift a bit. The blackboard team glued together 16 blackboards.

We ate at Bruce's as usual: chicken tetrazini, spinach souffle, bowls of pineapple and apple spice cake and shortbread for those who needed more carbs! After dinner, as usual, we gathered on the porch with Bruce to review the day, to read some Bible verses, to learn more about Haiti and the mission history, and of course, to pray. Tonight, we met in the dark, because the moon was coming up later and the sky was studded with dazzling stars. Later, some of us stayed out to look at the Milky Way, until the moon came up and washed it out.

The patron saint festival reached its climax tonight (I hope!!!). Music continued to about 4? Sunday morning -- bone penetrating music. I use the term music very loosely here, because it was the same four chords over and over and over again. As the night progressed, some of the players went flatter and flatter. I was delighted when they played Auld Lang Syne, and the crowd noise abated, but then the loud band picked up again for two more symphonic-length works using three of the same chords and one different one. Afterwards a keyboard and a guitar were playing, but I could barely hear them in my deafened condition. I guess the guy with the big amplifier went home!


Jenny said...

The girls remind me about praying for you throughout the day. Your experiences are making a major impract on them and me. Thank you. For many years, I've thought about mission work. However, as I read this blog and sit in my air-conditioned room sipping coffee, I don't know if I would really have the courage to do it. Keep up the good work. Know that my family and I have you in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

I love you guys. I will be thinking about you as I continue to spread mulch at my house. What easy work compared to the work you are doing.

We are all very proud of you. Let your light shine. Deborah

Anonymous said...

Billy , Fred and the Bunch

My Family enjoys reading along with your adventures, Be careful..Be strong..Be safe.know that you are in our prayers and thoughts..You making a difference in Haiti and at home ...Bill Monday night aren't the same without you!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Haiti Team. It's great to hear of your many accomplishments on this mission. You are truly blessed and remembered in our prayers. Amelia and Charles Britt

daryl said...

hey guys sorry i havent been on in a while i have been on the lake it is a lot of fun out here my email address is

daryl said...

hey guys sorry i havent talked in a while...... i have been on the lake house..... my email address is

Anonymous said...

Happy Saturday everyone!

I wish I could get you a nice cold beverage, rub your feet, or help with your laundry. You don't need more meals because Deb is certainly a very gracious hostess and your dinners sound wonderful.

In just a week you will be back home with a lifetime of memories. And, our church members will have so many questions to ask you.

Ray and I spent the afternoon moving all our "stuff" back into the garage after having the floor refinished. A piece of cake compared to your hard, manual labor!

The smoke from NC is back again this evening and it smells very strong. Certainly will put a crimp in any outdoor parties.

Keep up the good work, take care, and soak up every bit of knowledge you are experiencing.

God bless you all!

Iris Lewis said...

My dear friends,
I hope that you had an awesome day filled with many new experiences. Perhaps we'll plan a lock-in at the church when you return...invite the entire congregation of we'll have plenty of time to hear all of your wonderful stories. This could be the first p.j. revival ever held at DPC!

Another indoor day due to the smoky air, but I've been able to keep a close watch of the weather reports. So far so good. Still predicting rain. Ah, service in the sanctuary!

Sunday, a day of rest. I wish you likewise. Sleep well. Hugs, Iris

Anonymous said...

Dear Friends in Haiti: Today we are going to worship at church rather than the park due to the air quality here (fires/smoke) and the high probability of rain mid-day. Always a tough call to change plans on a Sunday morning. Just being out at all yesterday caused my eyes to burn and caused me to cough.

I pray your work on Saturday went well, that you have rested overnight and that today will be a day of rest for you all.

You will be very much in our prayers today at DPC. We miss you and love you.
In Christ, Deborah